
detects your fertile window

for all cycles out there

Modern menstrual cycle monitoring with OvulaRing

Your cycle is unique, because you are too

According to common opinion, a “normal” female cycle has a length of 28-32 days. Furthermore it is also believed, that ovulation should also be exactly in the middle of the cycle. But this does not correspond to reality. Not to mention, that female individuality is not taken into account here. With OvulaRing, the medical cycle tracker, you can determine your ovulation exactly to become pregnant, understand your cycle or support natural contraception. This is how OvulaRing works.

Studies have shown that 70% of all women do not conform to the above standard. For example, your individual cycle may be shorter or longer and yet perfectly healthy. In other words ovulation occurs, just on a different day than assumed. Since only a few women ovulate exactly in the middle of their cycle. No matter how your cycle ticks, OvulaRing precisely determines your fertile days in the cycle. In addition, you receive precise information about your individual cycle health.

OvulaRing is your ideal companion in every stage of life

Getting pregnant

You want to have a baby? Increase your chances of getting pregnant faster now! This only works if you know exactly when your fertile days are. OvulaRing users know their own cycle very well. They get pregnant after an average of only 3.8 months of use*.

Natural birth control

Are you looking for a method to support hormone-free birth control? In this case the symptothermal method is safest for you. OvulaRing can provide ideal support with this and help you recognize your fertile days, allowing you to understand your cycle better. As a matter of fact without the need for daily temperature taking and interpretation.

OvulaRing is more than a cycle tracker

Getting to know your cycle

Do you have trouble with your hormonal cycle or simply want to know if your cycle is healthy? OvulaRing is able to map your entire cycle, recognizes ovulation and the length of individual cycle phases and is therefore able to help you better understand the hormonal processes in your body.

Modern bluetooth cycle monitoring with OvulaRing

Suitable for all cycle types

Is your menstrual cycle ultra short, extremely long or irregular? Thanks to the precise, continuous measurement, OvulaRing can be used for all cycle types. Further it has been validated for the most diverse cycle types in 3 medical studies.

Continuous measurement

The patented OvulaRing method does not identify fertile days by means of the basal temperature. OvulaRing measures and analyzes core body temperature 288 times a day, enabling it to identify individual fertility patterns that allow a precise statement to be made regarding cycle activity.

Practical and not noticeable

OvulaRing is simple to use and unnoticeable. When wearing OvulaRing you can still do sports, go in the sauna, have sex and enjoy your life. Continuous measurements within the body deliver precise findings, regardless of the rhythms that determine your life.

Analyzes your menstrual cycle and delivers results in real time

OvulaRing can tell you precisely whether you are ovulating and if your cycles are healthy. When OvulaRing has gotten to know your individual cycle pattern the evaluation software also analyzes your likelihood of conceiving.

Developed by gynaecologists and clinically tested​

OvulaRing is based on 40 years of scientific research by renowned gynaecologists and reproductive health experts. The accuracy of OvulaRing has been proven in independent medical studies.

Free of hormones and no side effects

OvulaRing works completely without hormones and is free of softeners and side effects. The high level of wearing comfort and tolerability of the material have been confirmed in multiple medical studies.

OvulaRing receives German Health Award 2022

For the first time, the German Institute for Service Quality and German TV channel ntv have honored the most popular companies with the “German Health Award”. The basis for the award is the customer vote in a large survey with over 30,000 votes.

This is what women say about OvulaRing

This is what doctors say about OvulaRing

Order now

Take control of your own fertility and get to know your cycle better. Whether you are looking to get pregnant, support natural birth control or simply find out how your cycle ticks.

Start using OvulaRing now

from € 44 per month

OvulaRing Monay Back Guarantee

100% Money Back Guarantee

We at OvulaRing are sure we can figure out how your cycle ticks. We can detect your ovulation, no matter when it occurs. If OvulaRing cannot determine your ovulation, you will get your money back. Guaranteed!

Do you have any more questions?

Our customer service is here for you. You can reach us during our service hours on weekdays from 9 am – 4 pm. Write us a message or give us a call. You can find our contact details here:
OvulaRing customer service

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