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Take your fertility into your own hands now and get to know your cycle better and find out if you are ovulating.
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from € 45 per month
Having a cycle without ovulation from time to time is not abnormal. In addition to fertile cycles in which ovulation occurs, there are also cycles without fertile days. This is when ovulation does not take place. This also means that your period is not evidence of ovulation.
Because regardless of whether there is ovulation in your cycle, your period will still occur. Many women are therefore unaware that about 11% of all cycles are not fertile. If the period without ovulation occurs only once in a while, there is no reason to worry. If you have a cycle without ovulation more often, you should seek advice from your doctor or alternative practitioner.
In a cycle without ovulation, there are no fertile days. The typical rise in temperature at ovulation does not occur. Other types of cycles without fertile days are the “pill cycle” and the cycle with luteal weakness. In the latter case, there is a certain rise in temperature, but the luteal phase is not long enough to be considered a fertile cycle.
If ovulation does not occur in a single cycle and this is also rather the exception, the cycle type is determined according to the fertile cycles. Cycles without the typical temperature rise can thus occur in all other cycle types. A differentiation to the short cycle, regular cycle and long cycle is therefore not very meaningful.
For the two cycle types irregular cycle and rhythm-influenced cycle, fluctuations and typical rhythms over several cycles are decisive. Depending on the extent of these, cycles without ovulation can be an integral part of a woman’s cycle. If the fluctuations affect the length of the 2nd cycle phase, for example, then there may be a temperature increase that is not fertile (cf. luteal weakness).
PCO syndrome plays a special role in the types of cycles compared to periods without ovulation. This is because, tragically, many women diagnosed with PCOS are often told that they have no ovulation at all. Here, PCO syndrome is mistakenly equated with a period without a cycle (annovulation). Fortunately, this is not the case.
In PCO syndrome, cycles without ovulation do occur more frequently. However, this does not mean that ovulation never occurs! If you hear that you are not ovulating, do not let this discourage you. Only a medical cycle tracker like OvulaRing can tell you with a high degree of certainty whether or not you are ovulating and having fertile days.
Want to understand your cycle even better now? Then try our online ovulation calculator.
Regular menstruation also no proof that ovulation is taking place. The bleeding shows the rejection of the uterine lining, which is why it can also be called hormone withdrawal bleeding. Fundamental to the interaction of ovulation and menstrual bleeding are cyclical hormonal changes in the body.
However, it is possible that the hormonal changes do not trigger ovulation, but are sufficient for the change in the uterine lining.
OvulaRing detects ovulation with a certainty of over 99% and can give you clarity about whether you ovulate regularly and if so, at what time. Your cycle is measured automatically and completely unnoticed. This makes it possible to detect even small fluctuations.
OvulaRing has been tested in independent clinical studies for all cycle types and is therefore able to make precise statements about your menstrual cycle health even with extremely short cycles.
The cycle is an indicator of physical health. A lack of ovulation is the expression of a disturbed cycle regulation. This disturbance can be caused directly by an impairment of the regulatory circuit or indirectly by other physical factors that have an effect on the regulatory system.
Anovulatory cycles are characterised by the absence of ovulation. As there is no temperature rise in the second half of the cycle, they are called monophasic (single-phase) menstrual cycles. In these cycles, the core body temperature remains at a similar temperature level as in the first phase of the cycle. Nevertheless, menstrual periods often occur at the usual time. Women do not notice that ovulation has not occurred. This means that regular menstrual bleeding is not, as most women often assume, synonymous with a healthy ovulatory cycle!
In the case of an anovulatory cycle, enough follicles mature in the ovaries and produce enough oestrogens, but ovulation and thus the fertile days do not occur. The impulse that triggers ovulation is missing, so that the mature egg cannot detach from the follicle and there is no formation of the corpus luteum with progesterone production.
There are many reasons why ovulation does not occur in women. For one thing, the regulatory levels of the diencephalon, pituitary gland and ovary may be disturbed. In addition, some health factors can also negatively influence the regulatory system. All excessive physical/physical and psychological/emotional stress factors can throw the necessary balance out of rhythm. For example, prolonged physical stress situations, too much sport, high psychological stress, an unhealthy lifestyle, obesity, but also excessive weight reduction such as in anorexia, a pronounced hormonal disorder or a premature onset of the menopause can be mentioned as possible causes.
Anovulatory cycles also frequently occur during puberty after the first menstrual period (menarche), after pregnancy, before the menopause, with PCO syndrome, with a hormonal imbalance of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and prolactin or after stopping the contraceptive pill. However, an isolated monophasic cycle is not yet a cause for concern. Only if the anovulatory cycles occur more frequently should you talk to your gynaecologist about it. By the way: OvulaRing users know their cycle exactly and can check at any time whether a healthy cycle with ovulation has returned after an anovulatory cycle.
Yes, body temperature reflects the hormones in the female cycle. The progesterone release that begins shortly before ovulation causes your core body temperature to rise by 0.25 to 0.5°C over a period of about 3 to 5 days. A monophasic cycle is detected by the medical algorithms of the OvulaRing software when
For example, the user may notice a small and short-term temperature change in the cycle curve without ovulation having occurred. This is due to the fact that the non-ovulated follicle produces a small amount of progesterone (so-called LUF syndrome). Pregnancy would not be possible in such a cycle.
OvulaRing detects ovulation in retrospective observation with a certainty of 99%. Conversely, this also means that a monophasic menstrual cycle is correct. This means that you can always check exactly whether your cycles are “healthy” or whether there might be a menstrual cycle disorder.
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If you are already an OvulaRing user, you should inform your gynaecologist about your test result. They will do further diagnostics and try to find the cause of the disorder. If anovulation is caused by being overweight or underweight, for example, a change in weight to the normal range can help restore ovulation. Analogously, the woman can also find out for herself that she may not be getting periods due to extreme exercise or increased stress levels. Reducing exercise or stress management activities such as yoga or meditation can help her to ovulate again.
Lifestyle changes alone are not always enough to induce ovulation again. If you want to have children and have repeated monophasic menstrual cycles, your gynaecologist will prescribe medication for ovulation induction. Clomiphene, letrozole or FSH injections are given as treatment.
Clomiphene is a drug (antiestrogen) that is often given to induce ovulation. Treatment usually starts on the third to fifth day after the onset of the period. Clomiphene is taken (1-3 tablets) daily for the next five days. Once the intake is complete, ovulation usually occurs after about a week. Clomiphene “fools” the body into thinking there is not enough oestrogen. The pituitary gland tries to compensate for this deficiency by producing more follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinising hormone (LH). These hormones stimulate ovarian function and thus ensure follicle maturation and ovulation. LH is the hormone that triggers ovulation. In the treatment of anovulation, LH or hCG injections are therefore prescribed alone or often in addition.
By the way, with OvulaRing you can check exactly whether a drug treatment was successful and whether or when ovulation occurred.
No! Many women assume that a regular period indicates that ovulation has also taken place. However, this is not always the case, because it is possible that the hormonal changes are sufficient for the uterine lining to change even without ovulation, which then leads to regular bleeding. To be sure that you are ovulating and that your cycles are healthy, you can use OvulaRing even if you have very long or very irregular cycles. This will give you a reliable indication of anovulation. For better orientation, you should always enter the days with successful sexual intercourse in the cycle diary integrated in the OvulaRing software. This way you know when and if a pregnancy would have been possible, both now and in retrospect.
Take your fertility into your own hands now and get to know your cycle better and find out if you are ovulating.
OvulaRing is inserted into the vagina like a tampon when your period stops. Independent of external influences, it automatically records your temperature inside the body. A value is recorded every 5 minutes and your individual fertility patterns are recognised.
The recorded data is simply transferred with the OvulaRing app. The evaluation of your cycles is also displayed here. You can also keep a menstrual cycle diary and receive important information. The security of your data has top priority.
The app analyses your menstrual cycle with the help of medical algorithms. In addition to menstrual cycle length, ovulation day and length of the cycle phases, you are also offered medical evaluations. There is a daily probability of conception and an ovulation forecast for the following month.
Is your cycle ultra short, extremely long or irregular? Thanks to the high resolution, continuous measurement, OvulaRing can be used for all cycle types and it has been validated for the most diverse cycle types in 3 medical studies.
The patented OvulaRing method does not identify fertile days by means of the basal temperature. OvulaRing measures and analyzes core body temperature 288 times a day, enabling it to identify individual fertility patterns that allow a precise statement to be made regarding cycle activity.
OvulaRing is simple to use and unnoticeable. When wearing OvulaRing you can still do sports, go in the sauna, have sex and enjoy your life. Automatic measurement within the body delivers precise findings, regardless of the rhythms that determine your life.
OvulaRing can tell you precisely whether you are ovulating and if your cycles are healthy. When OvulaRing has gotten to know your individual cycle pattern the evaluation software also analyzes your likelihood of conceiving.
OvulaRing is based on 40 years of scientific research by renowned gynaecologists and reproductive health experts. The accuracy of OvulaRing has been proven in independent medical studies.
OvulaRing works completely without hormones and is free of plasticisers and side effects. The high level of wearing comfort and tolerability of the material have been confirmed in multiple medical studies.
* Malteser workgroup NFP, Natural & Safe: The Handbook, 2011, p. 29
** L.L. Sievert, C.A. DUBOIS, Validating signals of ovulation: Do women who think they know, really know?, American Journal of Human Biology, 17:310–320, 2005
OvulaRing is a medical cycle tracker for accurate calculation of your ovulation and determination of your fertile days. Thanks to the patented method with vaginal temperature sensor, OvulaRing is suitable for all cycle types. As a certified medical device with app, OvulaRing is easy to use and as comfortable as a tampon.
VivoSensMedical GmbH
Limburgerstr. 74C
04229 Leipzig
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