What actually is hormonal yoga?


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Whether classical Hatha yoga or Vidya yoga, there are many types of yoga with which you can do yourself some good. However, female yogis in particular can benefit from one variation: Hormonal Yoga. This style of yoga was originally developed by the Brazilian psychologist and yoga teacher Dinah Rodrigues as an active counterbalance to the hormonal changes of menopause. However, it has also proven effective for other hormonal problems, such as premenstrual syndrome (PMS). In addition, affected women have noticed a significant increase in energy and well-being after yoga. Hormonal yoga also affects a woman’s menstrual cycle and fertility and is therefore popular to try if you are trying to have children.


The Hormone Yoga program developed by Rodrigues combines yoga exercises with Tibetan energizing techniques. In addition to physical exercises that include intensive abdominal movements, special breathing techniques play a special role. Deep abdominal breathing is especially important here. It is supposed to massage the pelvic organs and promote blood circulation. The combination of conscious breathing, physical exercise and relaxation exercises aims to enable the body to reduce excess stress hormones. As counterparts of the sex hormones, they can have a strong influence on the hormonal system and even intensify hormonally induced complaints.

The sequence of the individual exercises of Hormone Yoga is precisely defined and combines elements from different styles. They are performed very dynamically and quickly. Practiced regularly, hormone yoga is said to improve your well-being, increase your vitality, and reactivate and strengthen your endocrine system as the endocrine glands are stimulated. You feel fitter overall!

So far, however, there is no scientific evidence that hormone yoga can specifically change hormone balance. However, many women benefit in general from the feeling of doing something good for themselves and their bodies. The exchange with “fellow sufferers” can also have a positive effect on how they feel.

As with other styles of yoga, hormone yoga requires some patience until the body gets used to the exercises. Some women feel better right after the first class. In general, however, it takes a few weeks before a noticeable effect is felt. This also depends on how regular hormone yoga is practiced.

Is hormone yoga suitable for me?

Anyone suffering from ailments caused by unbalanced hormone levels can benefit from hormone yoga:

  • Menopausal women: If the hormone balance is right, sweating and similar menopausal symptoms will not occur.
  • Young women: Discomfort during menstruation (PMS, abdominal cramps, etc.) will be less if you know how to help yourself with yoga.
  • Women who want to have children: If pregnancy doesn’t work out, it can help to support the ovaries with hormone yoga.
  • Women who often suffer from stress: Sleep disturbances, etc. can be combated by stimulating the production of melatonin, for example.

When should I not practice hormone yoga?

Hormonal yoga can work very quickly when practiced regularly, so there are also some exceptions when you should rather abstain from hormonal yoga:

  • Breast cancer or a hormone-related cancer
  • Endometriosis
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • During pregnancy or menstruation
  • Osteoporosis
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Hormonal yoga exercises

To avoid injury, first warm up with energetic movements. Then you can begin with a combination of asanas that focus on breathing and energy control. Hormone yoga is primarily about directing energy to specific hormonal glands through breathing and visualization. Since hormone yoga is a holistic system, the immune system and circulatory system also benefit from the exercises. To be truly effective, you should practice hormone yoga for half an hour every day. You can start with the following exercises if you want to try hormone yoga:

Exercise 1: The Lunge

Inhaling from the Downward Looking Dog, place your right foot between your hands. Use fire breathing 7-15 times. Fire breathing, also called bellows, is a powerful breathing exercise. It releases a lot of energy in the body and gently massages the internal organs. You simply push your belly forward as you inhale and consciously contract it as you exhale. Now direct the energy to the right ovary. Switch over the dog to the left side.

Exercise 2: The Shoulder Bridge

Place your feet hip-width apart in the supine position and bend your legs. Slowly lift the pelvis and chest off the floor as you inhale, and lower again as you exhale. Repeat the movement seven times, then use bellows breathing again in shoulder position. Then direct the energy to the thyroid gland.

Other exercises are, for example, the rotating seat, the half shoulder stand or the head-knee-sit. As you can see, with hormone yoga you can promote several points in the body at once, become more balanced and healthier – and all of this naturally. Yoga is always a good idea, because it simply influences you positively. Give it a try! Preferably in a yoga studio nearby!

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