A Natural Alternative to Artificial Insemination - Get Pregnant With OvulaRing

Are you looking for an affordable and natural alternative to artificial insemination or IVF? Then OvulaRing is just right for you!

OvulaRing offers you a certified method for cycle diagnostics and fertility control. Unlike IVF, OvulaRing helps you understand your body’s natural rhythm and identify your actual fertile days. This way, you increase your chances of pregnancy at a much lower cost.

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is one of the most popular methods of artificial fertilization. Here, fertilization takes place outside the body. Although such a treatment can be successful, it involves risks, high costs and emotional stress.

OvulaRing is a patented biosensor that measures your body temperature 288 times a day. It records your complete cycle history, allowing for accurate detection and prediction of your natural fertility.

By knowing your fertile days, you can optimize your chances of getting pregnant, whether you want to conceive naturally or plan to undergo assisted treatment such as IVF.


Save time, money and stress with OvulaRing.

Studies have shown that women who use OvulaRing get pregnant in less time compared to conventional IVF treatments. OvulaRing has no side effects and supports you in the best possible and natural way on your journey to the dream child.

Take your fertility in your own hands and discover OvulaRing as a natural alternative to artificial fertilization today!

In Vitro Fertilization in the Spotlight

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a type of artificial fertilization. In IVF, fertilization of the egg takes place outside the body. At the beginning of the procedure, the woman’s ovaries need to be stimulated with the help of hormones to mature an egg. By means of ultrasound, the progress is monitored in the fertility center or in the gynecological practice. Once the eggs have matured, ovulation can be artificially induced.

In the best case, five to ten oocytes can then be removed via the vagina and transferred to a growth medium. There, the eggs then meet the prepared sperm of the partner, this is usually collected by masturbation. After a day in the warm incubator, it can be checked under the microscope whether the in vitro fertilization was successful. If this is the case, the doctor can transfer a maximum of three embryos to the woman’s uterus after one or two days.

The use of reproductive technology and the handling of embryos are regulated in Germany by the Embryo Protection Act. According to the law, the fertilized egg is considered an embryo from the moment of nucleus fusion. In Germany, a maximum of three eggs, fertilized in the laboratory may mature into embryos. The parents decide beforehand whether to have one, two or three embryos. The more, the higher the success rate, but also the probability of having twins or even triplets.

Unfortunately, artificial fertilization is not a guarantee of getting pregnant and bringing the baby into the world. Often, a artifically induced pregnancy is a rocky road that is associated with many setbacks. It often takes several attempts before a pregnancy occurs. This time is extremely stressful both physically and psychologically. Moreover, the pregnancy rate does not correspond to the birth rate. This is somewhat worse due to miscarriages. In Germany, only about 20% of all women who have one or even more IVF treatments have a baby (Yearbook IVF 2020 and 2021). In contrast, 29 % of all OvulaRing users who wish to have a child become pregnant. So actually 50% more than with IVF!

The success of fertility treatment is also strongly age-dependent. From the age of 36, the pregnancy rate decreases, while the miscarriage rate increases. At 41-43 years of age, the pregnancy rate is only 17.8% and the birth rate is 8.2% due to the high probability of miscarriage (IVF Registry 2021). Not only the age of the woman, but also the type of a previous conception and the outcome of the pregnancy have a significant impact on the likelihood of success of reproductive medical therapy. For example, an earlier pregnancy is associated with a higher success rate of assisted reproduction (ART). In contrast, any preceding premature birth increases the likelihood of miscarriage, even with ART treatment (Kupka 2004).

Pregnancy is a complicated process and a miracle of nature. In our experience, women are often referred to a fertility center too early and too hastily. The reason for this is that doctors usually assume a standard 28-day cycle. However, studies show that 70% of all women do not meet this standard. Your personal cycle may be shorter or longer, but still perfectly healthy. Ovulation also occurs, just on a different day and almost never in the middle of the cycle. Ultrasound exams, however, are routinely performed in mid-cycle, leaving early and late ovulation undetected, so the patient is falsely diagnosed with cycles without ovulation. As a result, the patient is referred to a fertility center even though a natural pregnancy would be possible.

Of course, IVF may be the last hope for couples with health limitations such as damaged or non-functioning fallopian tubes as well as poor sperm quality. However, IVF treatment should be avoided because of possible risks and side effects if there is a possibility to get pregnant naturally.

Over time, involuntary childlessness can trigger a severe life crisis for many couples. Accordingly, sexual disorders, relationship problems, feelings of guilt and inferiority, as well as mood swings can occur, so that various areas of life are restricted. The treatment method of in vitro fertilization is often a chance for many couples to still have their own child. However, couples experience not only their childlessness as a great burden, but also the medical treatment. The respective outcome of the treatment plays an important role (Goldschmidt 2003). IVF treatment also involves a large number of risks, and there can also be massive side effects.

Other Methods of Artificial fertilization


If a man is found to have low sperm quantity or quality, insemination can be a solution. There are also other indications, such as a disorder of the cervix, which advocate insemination. In this method, sperm are injected directly into the cervix, uterus or fallopian tube using a syringe without a needle or through a catheter.

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection - ICSI

ICSI is a modified procedure of in vitro fertilization. A sperm cell obtained from the ejaculate or directly from the testis is injected directly into the female egg. This technique can be important in cases of low sperm count or blocked spermatic duct.

In vitro Maturation (IvM)

In vitro maturation, is a still little used and also controversial technique for the maturation of the egg in the test tube. It is a procedure to prepare for artificial insemination. IvM has the advantage that the patient can be spared hormone treatment. In this way, physical as well as psychological side effects can be avoided. In IvM, immature eggs are removed from the woman’s ovary by puncture and then mature in a nutrient solution. After collecting the sperm, the egg is then fertilized in the laboratory. Once the chromosome sets are fused, embryo transfer takes place.

„OvulaRing can prevent unnecessary IVF treatments“ Exclusive interview with Prof. Alexander

Prof. Dr. med. H. Alexander

Risks and Side Effects of IVF

Hyperstimulation Syndrome

One risk of artificial insemination is Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS). OHSS is a potentially life-threatening complication due to the stimulation of the ovaries. It is one of the major complications of assisted reproduction procedures. The overstimulation syndrome is mainly caused by the hormones prescribed for oocyte maturation. Depending on the severity, various symptoms may be present: a feeling of tension in the abdomen, malaise, nausea, vomiting, and even enlargement of the ovaries, free fluid in the abdomen, increased tendency to blood clotting, impaired blood flow to the kidneys, and liver dysfunction. Other complications of IVF treatment may include an increased rate of ectopic pregnancies, inflammation, thrombosis, injury to organs and blood vessels, and more.

Risks During Pregnancy and Birth

The risk of miscarriage is generally increased in women who got pregnant through IVF treatment. On one hand, this can be explained by the higher average age of the couples. On the other hand, special changes in the genetic material occur, especially in the case of severe changes in the sperm. They can also be the reason for a possible miscarriage. Maternal pregnancy toxicity (preeclampsia), which is associated with high blood pressure, protein excretion through the urine, and water retention (edema) in the hands and feet, can also be favored by artificial insemination. In severe cases, pregnant women with pregnancy toxicity suffer from other symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, dizziness, visual disturbances and confusion. Not only can severe side effects occur during pregnancy for both mother and child, but the risks for problems also increase during childbirth. After IVF, the risk of premature birth is 14.3% compared to 6.2% after natural conception. Likewise, the likelihood of a C-section increases from 32.1% to 54.9% with IVF.

Schwanger werden mit OvulaRing - natürliche Alternative zur künstlichen Befruchtung

Severe Mental Stress

Many childless couples underestimate the psychological stress of hormonal fertility treatment. The woman’s body and soul are under constant stress. In addition, there are often severe side effects of hormone therapy. If several treatment cycles are necessary, there is a constant fluctuation between hope and disappointment. Studies point to high side effects and psychological stress. For example, stress from IVF is placed on the same level as the death of a family member. Studies also show a 52% depression rate after IVF, quite independent of treatment success (Zuber-Jerger 2002).

Mental health impairments that continue to be recognized among professionals include: Reduction of self-confidence and self-esteem, loss of control and competence, violation of personal integrity, anxiety and tension, especially while waiting for treatment success, and depression after failure to achieve success (Telus 2001).

Financial Burden

With IVF, couples are exposed to an immense financial burden. Since the 2004 health reform, most statutory health insurers only cover a maximum of half the costs of artificial insemination for a maximum of three attempts. The condition is that the woman must not be older than 40 and the man must not be older than 50. However, both partners must be at least 25 years old. The statutory health insurance companies still insist on a marriage certificate for fertility treatment. Special regulations apply to unmarried couples: They must live together in a so-called committed partnership – whether this is the case is decided by the doctor conducting the consultation.

Artificial fertilization can cause a veritable avalanche of costs. This is because very few women become pregnant the first time. It is not uncommon for three to four attempts to be necessary. With three attempts at in vitro fertilization and a few attempts at insemination beforehand, up to 10,000 euros can quickly add up. Some health insurance companies also cover a higher share of the costs for artificial insemination than required by law. You can find a list of these health insurance companies here.

OvulaRing - die natürliche Alternative zur künstlichen Befruchtung

Risks for Children Conceived with IVF

or the past 40 years, over 8 million children have been born after IVF or ICSI, with over half a million more born each year. Children conceived via assisted reproductive therapy have always been under special observation, but used to be included in studies only until their 18th birthday. Until now, only a few abnormalities, such as a slightly increased risk of cancer and skin disorders, have been reported.

In recent years, however, the results of more recent studies have been published. These studies report older individuals conceived after IVF who suffered from hypertension, insulin resistance, and pre-aged vasculature at a young age (Wenderlein 2020). These are conditions that usually do not become apparent until older age. Another increased risk may be obesity, especially in the abdominal region. The risk of cancer is considered to be increased by 2.5 times according to recent findings (Wenderlein 2020). This may have direct consequences for the health of children born from ART, and moreover probably even for their children.

Women must be informed urgently about the risks of the treatment, including the risks for the children conceived after IVF. If there is no other alternative treatment, women must consider whether they want to bear the risk. However, the doctor should always check whether all possibilities of so-called conservative treatment, i.e. treatment without IVF, have been exhausted.

Multiple Pregnancy

Transferring multiple embryos to increase the chances of success always carries the risk of multiple pregnancy. According to the IVF registry, 21.3% of all births are twins, while 0.7% are triplets. Multiple pregnancies can lead to developmental disorders of the unborn or even premature births.

Carrying twins or even triplets is an additional risk that must be taken seriously, especially in combination with the usually older age of the mother. In addition, multiple pregnancies are usually delivered by planned cesarean section, which in turn can bring complications. These include major blood loss, formation of blood clots, infections, injury to adjacent organs, wound healing disorders, anesthesia incidents, and post-traumatic stress disorder in the mother.

Get Pregnant Naturally With OvulaRing - Without IVF

OvulaRing Can Prevent Unnecessary IVFs

“No woman should undergo hormonal and stressful fertility treatment before she has recorded her cycle for 4-6 months with OvulaRing. Many women can thus be spared artificial fertilization,” says gynecologist and reproductive physician Prof. Dr. H. Alexander. The use of the OvulaRing method in pre-diagnosis and during treatment simplifies treatment, reduces costs and also has no side effects. It is necessary that before IVF all conservative treatment options such as medication to induce ovulation and insemination are used.

Your Ovulation Will Not Be Suppressed

Hormonal contraceptives use synthetic hormones that are foreign to the body to suppress your ovulation, so that you cannot become pregnant during unprotected sexual intercourse. This is not the case with natural contraception: your ovulation takes place and is not suppressed. Many women report that they feel particularly energetic, confident and attractive around ovulation. With natural contraception, you can consciously benefit from the positive awareness of your body. On the other hand, you have to make sure that you either abstain or use a condom, for example, during your fertile phase. Furthermore, regular ovulation is not only important for getting pregnant, but also essential for breast, bone and heart health due to the release of estrogen!

Getting Pregnant in Same Sex Relationships

For same-sex couples and singles who want to have children, the right timing of fertilization plays an important role. One method of artificial insemination to become pregnant is the so-called home insemination.
Here, the donor sperm is introduced into the vagina with a needleless syringe. However, this method can only be successful if the woman keeps a close eye on her ovulation time. With OvuaRing, couples and singles can use fertilization in a private setting without any medical assistance. Due to the exact determination and prediction of the fertile days with OvulaRing, it is possible to excellently coordinate the dates for home insemination with the donor and to plan them into everyday life.

You want to learn more? Click here for Janina’s personal story.

IVF in the Natural Cycle

IVF in the natural cycle is a very mild treatment, which is in harmony with the natural rhythm of the woman’s cycle biology. It does not or only slightly interfere with the hormonal balance. It requires precise cycle monitoring by means of ultrasound and hormonal examinations, so that the egg can be taken just before natural ovulation. This is then fertilized in a small dish in the laboratory and further cultured in the incubator until the optimal time for transfer to the womb is reached, allowing pregnancy.

A number of studies have shown that the implantation rate per retrieved egg is lower with conventional IVF than with natural cycle IVF. It is thought that impaired endometrial development, due to excessive estrogen concentrations and an altered hormonal environment, due to reduced LH concentrations are responsible. Embryo quality also appears to be better with IVF in the natural cycle, although the rate of altered chromosome sets in the embryos is not lower (von Wolff 2019).

OvulaRing as Support for IVF in the Natural Cycle

OvulaRing is a new, patented method of cycle and fertility diagnostics. The OvulaRing is a biosensor, which measures the core body temperature at 288 measuring points per day. The recorded data is transmitted to a web-based software and evaluated with the help of algorithms. This makes it possible to map the complete progression of the cycle. Based on the course of the cycle, it is possible to precisely determine the fertile window of the user. Thus, the pre-cycle as well as the treatment cycle can be monitored without much effort.

In the case of IVF in the natural cycle, no stimulation of the oocytes is performed. Fertilization takes place during natural ovulation. In IVF in the natural cycle, with the help of OvulaRing, it is possible to perform personalized stimulation treatment and determine the individual time of egg retrieval much easier and more accurately. Not only the current cycle is taken into account, but also the individual cycle biology of the woman, considering her previous cycles. This knowledge is used for personalized treatment. All this leads to more effective therapy while reducing costs and side effects.

Things to Know about Artificial Insemination

How Long Does It Take to Get Pregnant With OvulaRing?

Symptothermale Methode - natürlich verhüten

As part of the OvulaRing Research Program for Women`s Health, OvulaRing users were asked about the timing of their birth. The women indicated how long they tried to get pregnant before OvulaRing use and how long it took them to get pregnant with OvulaRing.
The women who tried to get pregnant without OvulaRing it took them an average of 14.9 months. With OvulaRing, it took the users an average of 4.4 months to achieve the desired pregnancy. Women who tried OvulaRing directly took on average only 3.5 months to get pregnant. Women who tried for at least 1.5 years without OvulaRing took on average 6.3 months with OvulaRing.

82% of women who got pregnant with OvulaRing took only 6 months to get pregnant. In comparison, after the 4th embryo transfer of conventional IVF, only 66% of women become pregnant, or only 2 out of 3 women. Within 12 months, 97% of OvulaRing users with a desire to have a child became pregnant and within 1.5 years, as many as 99% of women were able to fulfill the dream of having their dream baby with OvuaRing.

Order OvulaRing now
Take your fertility into your own hands now and get to know your cycle better. Whether to get pregnant, to support natural contraception or simply to find out what makes your cycle so individual.

Start your OvulaRing program now

from 44 € per month

Testimonials: Successful Pregnancy After Unsuccessful IVF

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Chausiaux et al 2013. Pregnancy Prognosis in Infertile Couples on the DuoFertility Programme Compared with In Vitro Fertilisation/Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection. In: Assisted Reproduction and Infertility.

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Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome

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Telus M. 2001. Reproduktionsmedizin: Zwischen Trauma und Tabu. In: Dtsch Arztebl 2001; 98(51-52): A-3430 / B-2889 / C-2685

Von Wolff M. 2019. The role of Natural Cycle IVF in assisted reproduction, Science Direct, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.beem.2018.10.005

Wenderlein JM. 2020. Reproduktionsmedizin in riskanter Sackgasse? In: Gyne. 5/2020.

Zuber-Jerger I. 2002. Reproduktionsmedizin – Zwischen Trauma und Tabu: Zu hohe Risikobereitschaft. In: Dtsch Arztebl 2002; 99(10): A-617 / B-505 / C-476

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