The interaction of algorithms


ca. 5 Minuten


The data collection and informative value of OvulaRing is ensured by the interplay of highly complex algorithms to make reliable statements on retrospective, current fertility and prognosis of the fertile and infertile phase in the female cycle. When these functions mesh like cogwheels, a valid statement can be made about a woman’s fertility status and cycle health in the past, present and future. Each function in itself already contains valuable information and is of great importance for a lively and flexible meshing of the “cogs”.

Overview of OvulaRing algorithms

The Retrospective – Past

The collection of retrospective data is the basis of data collection and crucial for the refinement of current conception probability and prognostic function. The larger this data trove, the more accurately the algorithms can calculate current and retrospective probabilities for fertile and infertile phases. A minimum of 2-3 recorded cycles with OvulaRing is required. During the first cycle, OvulaRing learns the individual patterns of the woman. Within the second cycle, a statement about the fertility status can already be made in real-time. Using 3 recorded cycles with ovulation, a forecast of upcoming conception probabilities with a calculated ovulation date is made. Based on collected data, future planning reliability is made possible. In other words, only with the past can the future be planned. This is a great added value for both childbearing and natural contraception. The retrospective data is also of central importance for the integrated cycle statistics of the software. Using this tool, menstrual cycles can be compared with a summary of the respective length of the second half of the cycle, the ovulation day, and the average core body temperature. The retrospective view shows whether ovulation occurred in the previous cycle or not, and further provides information on the healthiness of the previous cycle. Last but not least, the evaluation of retrospective cycles is a decisive basis for individual infertility therapy.

The Current Fertility – Present

The current conception probability function indicates whether the user’s probability of conception is low, medium or high at the moment. This is based on individual body core temperature patterns learned during previous menstrual cycles and searched for in the subsequent cycle. Biomarkers in the body core temperature patterns allow the current probability of conception to be calculated in detail and accurately. The data set collected from past OvulaRing cycles is included in the calculation. The calculation of the probabilities always depends on the data basis. The current conception probability indicates how fertile the user is today, whether she is in her fertile phase and in which menstrual cycle phase she is currently in. This knowledge is essential both for the desire to have children and for supporting natural contraception. In addition, the “woman” is not at the mercy of her body alone and can better interpret and classify body signs as well as mood swings herself.

The prognosis – Future

The prognosis function enables the OvulaRing user to make a statement about the planning reliability regarding her future fertile phases and the coming ovulations. This function is especially important for planning the desire for a child or natural contraception. Is it possible to plan or not? A minimum of 3 recorded cycles with OvulaRing is required. The more cycles recorded, the higher the probability of pattern recognition. The probability of conception of the future cycles correlates with the already recorded previous cycles. If the previous cycles are biphasic, ovulatory and healthy, the probability of a subsequent healthy biphasic cycle is higher. If the previous cycles are monophasic, the probability of anovulation in the following cycle also increases. If previous ovulations fluctuate more than 8 days between each other, a predictable and safe prognosis for the following cycle can no longer be issued. The menstrual cycle is a highly complex biological process and very individual for each woman. However, with the help of the current conception probability as well as the retrospective view of the cycles, the user can find out at any time in which cycle phase she is currently and whether she has ovulated in the past cycles.

With OvulaRing, huge amounts of temperature data are measured with up to 3-digit accuracy, completely unnoticed. Various algorithms link this wealth of data on core body temperature values from retrospective, current conception probability and prognosis with each other around the clock. This seamless interlocking and interaction of the individual OvulaRing functions provides the user with a comprehensive overview of her cycle events in the past, present and future. Nevertheless, each function on its own is also informative for the user and the physician. The combination of all core body temperature values not only provides a great deal of information about a woman’s fertility probability and menstrual cycle health, but also enables individual fertility diagnostics and infertility therapy.

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