OvulaRing App - all features at a glance

The OvulaRing app is a tracking app for your individual fertility. With the OvulaRing app, you can understand and medically monitor your cycle. The app works in conjunction with a small ring that is worn vaginally. This measures your temperature inside your body around the clock, tracking your hormones. By analyzing this data, OvulaRing can make accurate predictions about your ovulation and fertility, making it much easier to plan or avoid pregnancy.

Some of the key features of OvulaRing and the OvulaRing App are:

  • comprehensive personalized cycle tracking
  • detailed fertility predictions also in real time
  • display of your fertility status in a user-friendly dashboard
  • detailed analysis of cycle patterns to identify any irregularities or potential
  • problems in your cycle
  • share your data with healthcare professionals or partners

Below is a detailed description of all the views in the app.


Get the OvulaRing app now


For iPhone and iPad from iOS
Version 13.


For Android smartphones and
Tablets from Android version 6


The OvulaRing app is also available in your web browser.

All functions of the OvulaRing app in detail

OvulaRing - FAQ zu Zyklus und Fruchtbarkeit

Overview current cycle

The main view shows the current status of your cycle. If you have transferred current data from the OvulaRing sensor, your probability of conception is displayed. In addition, you will find the following information here:
  • Start of your current cycle
  • Current cycle day in your cycle
  • Result of your ‘current fertility
  • Indication of your predicted ovulation for your current cycle
  • Date for a selected cycle day
  • if available: Fertility result for the selected day
  • the highlighted days are your fertile days based on the ovulation forecast
By swiping to the left, you can see your past cycles in the same view with the respective fertile phase. This main view is located in the leftmost menu under “Overview”.

Transfer data

You can start the data transfer from the OvulaRing sensor to the app in two ways:

  • tap on the ‘transfer’ icon in the upper right corner next to the OvulaRing logo in the “Overview” or
  • if there is no data for the viewing day yet, you tap on “TRANSFER DATA”, which will be displayed instead of your fertility status.

After that the shown view will open. As described, you start the sensor Bluetooth by darkening your sensor for about 3 seconds. The sensor will detect the change in brightness and start the transmission mode. This is indicated by the green blinking of the sensor.

To start the data transmission, Bluetooth must be activated on your iPhone or smartphone. With an Android smartphone, ‘Location’ must also be switched on. This is required to use Bluetooth with lower transmission power.

After the sensor and app have connected, you can start the transfer by tapping on ‘Transfer data’.


Enter cycle start and infos

The OvulaRing app makes cycle tracking easier for you, not only by recording your cycle without gaps. The app also supports you in recording additional cycle information like in a cycle diary.

There are a variety of cycle information you can choose from. For each day you have the option to enter your cycle start (first day of clear bleeding). And here is a selection of the most important information:

  • Sexual intercourse and libido
  • Cervical mucus and cervix
  • Spotting and bleeding between periods
  • abdominal pain, headache, backache
  • Stress level and mood
  • Ovulation and pregnancy test
  • Diseases
  • Medication
  • Travel and sports

Simply select a date in the calendar or in the day view. Here already noted cycle information is highlighted. Just tap on your feature to highlight it for the selected day.



You can access the calendar view conveniently via the main menu. Your cycles and entered cycle information are clearly displayed here. You can see all this in the calendar:

  • grayed out: Day of the cycle start
  • pink background: fertile phase
  • pink marked: there are entries for this day
  • dark circle: today’s day

If you tap on a certain day in the calendar, the view ‘Add info’ from the previous paragraph will be opened to enter your cycle information.


Cycle list - period

You can access the “Cycle” view directly via the main menu. All created cycles are clearly displayed here. Your current cycle is always displayed at the top. Here, the fertile phase is also marked in a lighter color, since this was calculated from the ovulation forecast and may still be adjusted with more current data.

Here you can choose between 2 options. In the view “Period” the cycles are displayed in such a way that the beginning of the period always starts on the left side. Here you can go to the view “Ovulation”.

For each cycle (if available) the following info is displayed:

  • Day of cycle start
  • cycle length
  • color marking of ovulation and fertile phase

Tap on a cycle of your choice to see more info and evaluations.


Cycle list - ovulation

In the “Ovulation” view, the cycles are displayed so that all ovulations are on top of each other. This makes it easier to recognize fluctuations in your cycle.

This means that you can see the fluctuations of the first and second cycle phase separately for each cycle, starting from the day of ovulation.

Click here to go to the cycle view “Period“.


Cycle with temperature

One advantage of OvulaRing is the high-resolution measurement of your cycle. With 288 measurement points per day, the medical biosensor records the temperature inside your body every 5 minutes. This history of your body temperature is displayed when you tap on a cycle from the cycle list.

In this view, your cycle is displayed in principle. The lighter area in the background shows the daily fluctuation of your temperature during the day.

If available, the determined ovulation and your fertile phase are displayed for the displayed cycle.

Additionally, a textual description of your cycle is displayed. Here, general values of your cycle are explained and, depending on the set purpose, further information is given.

By clicking on the magnifying glass icon, you can view your temperature curve in more detail.


Temperature curve details

In addition to the calculation results that OvulaRing provides you with in the app, it can be very interesting for you to see how your temperature changes in your cycle. In this view, you can zoom in to the hourly values of your cycle. You will still see the fertile days and your ovulation. Here you can discover e.g. the following peculiarities in your cycle:
  • significant temperature rise around the time of your ovulation
  • drop in your temperature just before your period
  • difference between day and night temperatures can be up to 1 °C or more
  • when at night I have my lowest temperature
  • unsteady temperature at night when you could not fall asleep
  • clear peaks during the day when you did sports
  • cycle shifts when traveling with time difference
OvulaRing App - Screen - Schwangerschaftstest
Schwanger werden mit OvulaRing - natürliche Alternative zur künstlichen Befruchtung

Pregnancy test

A pregnancy test is integrated in the OvulaRing app. If 18 days or more have passed since your last ovulation without any bleeding, you will see the pregnancy test icon.

The integrated pregnancy test evaluates your temperature values of your current cycle in a special way. If your temperature does not drop again after ovulation, you are probably pregnant. The more days have passed after your ovulation and you are still in a temperature peak, the higher the probability of being pregnant.

Since OvulaRing accurately detects the time of ovulation, it can also accurately determine the duration of pregnancy. In the display of the pregnancy test you will also be given the expected date of birth.

However, if ovulation is not measured, but only estimated, the weeks of embryo development may be delayed. Therefore, OvulaRing determines the expected date of birth based on the precisely determined ovulation.

OvulaRing - FAQ zu Zyklus und Fruchtbarkeit


The last item in the menu of the OvulaRing app is “Tips”. Here you will find helpful articles and important tips for the OvulaRing application. In addition, we provide you with further information for your selected purpose (fulfill your desire to have children, general cycle diagnostics, support of natural contraception):

  • Instructions for OvulaRing use
  • How can I tell that my cycle is healthy?
  • How to get pregnant faster with OvulaRing
  • Testimonial from Julia and Marco
  • How can OvulaRing support me with natural contraception?
  • General tips for cycle based training
  • How does OvulaRing work and what can OvulaRing tell me

Settings - Account

In addition to the actual OvulaRing functions in the app, you also have the option to make settings for your account. In the main view “Overview” you can select the burger menu in the upper left corner to open the account settings.

Here you have the following information/options:

  • Your username is displayed
  • Type of use is either ‘Fertility’, ‘Natural contraception’ or ‘General cycle diagnostics’ – you can also change the type of use here.
  • When you log in to the OvulaRing app for the first time, you have the option to enter personal information (age, height, weight). This information is not displayed here in the account to meet our privacy requirements. However, you have the option to enter this information again with new values if necessary.
  • You also have the possibility to change your personal password to protect your account.

With the button ‘LOG OUT’ you can actively log out of your account. The next time you start the OvulaRing app, you will have to log in again.


Settings - Application

As the second area under “Settings” you can view info and options about your application. The following info is listed here:

  • Your current application end date. After the end of your application, you can no longer transfer data. Make sure to book an OvulaRing renewal package in time.
  • You can pause your OvulaRing application. Please note that you may be charged a service fee, as your sensor has a limited lifetime. The pause will be valid at the full application month.
  • Under “Approvals” you can approve your account for the OvulaRing service, in order to clarify questions about your cycle if necessary or in the context of the personal cycle evaluation.
  • If you have questions about OvulaRing or problems, you will also find a clear support area in the app, which can help you answer common questions.
  • By tapping on “EXTEND” you can go directly to the OvulaRing store to order an application extension.

In addition to the two areas “Account” and “Application” you can find more information about your OvulaRing application under “Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy”.

Do you have any questions about the OvulaRing app?

Our customer service is here for you. You can reach us during our service hours on weekdays from 9 am – 4 pm. Write us a message or give us a call. You can find our contact details here:
OvulaRing customer service
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