"Best cycle tracker" - OvulaRing receives German Health Award 2022

OvulaRing was awarded a special prize. The medical cycle tracker OvulaRing takes one of the 3 first places at the German Health Award 2022 in the category “Best Cycle Tracker“.

The German Health Award "Best Cycle Tracker"

For the first time, the German Institute for Service Quality and ntv have honored the most popular companies with the “German Health Award. The basis for the award is the customer vote in a large survey with over 30,000 votes.

The survey examined customer satisfaction in the areas of value for money, product range and customer service. Consideration was given, for example, to the quality and benefits of the products, range of offerings, reliability, contact options on site, by phone, chat, e-mail and via social media channels, and responses to customer inquiries in terms of advisory skills and friendliness.

OvulaRing experience

Mom of two despite PCOS thanks to OvulaRing

Nicole has been trying to get pregnant for eight years. At the fertility center, she was diagnosed with PCO syndrome and found that her husband had a poor spermiogram.

Before discovering OvulaRing, she had gone through several hormone treatment cycles – unsuccessfully. With OvulaRing, she then discovered that she was ovulating despite having PCOS. Knowing when they occur, she has already become pregnant twice, naturally. Today she is a happy mom to two wonderful daughters.

OvulaRing is suitable for every type of cycle

In recent years, OvulaRing has been able to help many couples fulfill their desire to have children and use natural contraception. We are grateful for the numerous OvulaRing testimonials that have been shared with us.

OvulaRing receives excellent reviews

Since January 2021, treatment with OvulaRing has been covered nationwide by two statutory health insurers. BIG direkt gesund and HEK – Hanseatische Krankenkasse cover the costs for up to 12 months.

Order OvulaRing now

Take your fertility into your own hands now and get to know your cycle better.

Start your OvulaRing application now

6 months for € 384

Including OvulaRing app for iOS or Android and free shipping in Germany.

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Still have questions about the award-winning OvulaRing cycle tracker?

Our customer service is here for you. You can reach us during our service hours on weekdays from 9 am – 4 pm. Write us a message or give us a call. You can find our contact details here:
OvulaRing customer service
💫 Make this year your baby year - the OvulaRing Fertility Journey! - Get it now at lower price for product launch.💫

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