Precisely determine your fertile days - the basis for accurate timing

Knowing when your personal fertile days are can help you get pregnant faster. OvulaRing records your cycle completely. The medical algorithms of OvulaRing determine your fertile days exactly based on the many measuring points. With OvulaRing, determining your fertile days is really easy.


How can I recognize a fertile cycle?

In the female cycle, phases of fertile and infertile days alternate. Additionally every woman has her own individual rhythm. You should know this for yourself in order to increase your chances of getting pregnant. Many things can also influence the cycle and thus fertility. In addition, a woman’s cycle can also react very individually to external influences. And the other way around, the cycle can also have a significant influence on your everyday life.

So to get pregnant, the ‘quality’ of the cycle comes into focus. Are fertile days present or not? But what characterizes a healthy cycle? And how exactly are the fertile days determined? You should ask yourself the following two questions if you want to get pregnant:

1. do I have fertile days in the cycle?

It is not necessary for ovulation to have certainly occurred in each cycle to speak of an overall healthy cycle. However, when determining cycle health, at least 3 consecutive cycles should be evaluated. How often you have fertile days is an important criterion for the health of your cycle. In addition, the length of your second cycle phase is another important metric.

So you want to find out whether your cycle is healthy and you are fertile? Then you should determine exactly whether and how often you ovulate. This is essential to be able to calculate the fertile days at all.

2. when are my fertile days?

To get pregnant, sex on fertile days is crucial. When you ovulate, there are only 6 days per cycle that are fertile at all. And of these, there are usually only 2 days that have very high fertility. Those are the two days right before the day you ovulate. However, ovulation day is not the same for every woman. So this means that the timing of your fertile days in the cycle is also quite individual.

To get pregnant faster, it is therefore very important to determine your individual fertile days. OvulaRing supports you optimally in this.

The fertile female cycle

Your individual fertility

The cycle of a woman can be seen on the one hand as the interplay of hormonal processes between two bleedings. To the consideration of a cycle belongs your cycle beginning, the day of the ovulation, the fertile days and still other characteristics. On the other hand, ‘cycle’ also generally refers to the similarities and differences between individual cycles. So, for example, how the cycles change and what variations there are, for example, for the day of ovulation and the cycle length. Only when you look at several individual cycles in interaction and evaluate them for differences and similarities, your personal cycle becomes tangible.

Of course there are general statements about the female cycle. However, our experience is that the uniqueness of each cycle is often neglected here. In biology classes we were taught that the menstrual cycle is 28 days long and that ovulation occurs on the 14th day. However, in reality, this is rarely the case. Studies have shown that only about 30% of the women studied ovulate around the 14th day. In 70% of the women, the day of ovulation was before the 13th or after the 15th day of the cycle. The monthly cycle is also subject to fluctuations. In addition to stress, for example, an unhealthy diet, but also overweight and underweight can affect your cycle. Furthermore, too much physical exertion as well as psychological or emotional stress can influence the fertile days.

When are my most fertile days in the cycle?

Fruchtbare Tage bestimmen mit OvulaRing

If you want to get pregnant, it is important to know when your most fertile days are. You are fertile when a mature egg pops and can therefore be fertilized. However, this time per cycle is limited. A mature egg can only be fertilized within about 12 to a maximum of 24 hours.

Fortunately, there is more than one fertile day per cycle. This is ensured by the male sperm. Since they only lose their ability to fertilize after about 5 days, you have up to 6 fertile days in your cycle. These are the 4 days before ovulation, the day of ovulation and the day after. If you want to get pregnant, you should focus on the two days before ovulation. These are your most fertile days! If you have unprotected sex here, the probability of getting pregnant is the highest.

With OvulaRing you can accurately determine your fertile days.

Order OvulaRing now and easily identify your individual most fertile days in your cycle.

How do my fertile days still show?

Besides body temperature, there are also other signs that indicate the fertile days. Here there are more precise and less precise signs, which are also not perceived in the same way in every woman.

Cervical mucus

The mucus that can be felt at the vaginal entrance is called cervical mucus. As you may have noticed, it changes during your cycle. In simple terms, it is drier, cloudy and rather sticky on infertile days. On fertile days, however, it becomes more fluid and clear due to hormonal processes in the body. You can see this clearly if you take some mucus between your thumb and index finger and pull it apart for a long time. This property is called ‘spinnable’. However, it is not advisable to determine the fertile days solely from the cervical mucus. Many women find it difficult to interpret the cervical mucus in such a way that it can be used to reliably identify the fertile days. A lot of practice and experience is needed here.

More desire for sex

Nature has already arranged this quite well. In order to increase the probability that the fertile days will be used, women usually have more desire for sex during the fertile days. The increased libido also affects the partner and men in general. They can sometimes intuitively interpret these indications. In addition, women also appear more attractive and appealing during their fertile phase. Actually, in our modern, rather stressful times, you should simply let yourself be controlled by your urges. However, not everyone succeeds in doing so, and besides, libido itself is also dependent on many influences.


Midpain is a mild to moderate pulling or stabbing pain in the abdomen at the time of ovulation. The name is somewhat misleading. It is based on the fact that in the past it was assumed that ovulation always occurs in the middle of the cycle. However, only about 30% of women consciously perceive the mid-cycle pain. Some women also report that they can assign the pain to one side of the body. The cause of midcycle pain has not yet been conclusively determined. It has also not yet been proven whether this ovulation pain starts, for example, a few hours before, during or even after ovulation.


Observing the cervix is another physical sign of your fertility. However, it takes some practice and experience to correctly feel the changes in your cervix. On infertile days, the cervix tends to be firm and closed. In this state you can feel it well. Contrarily, on your fertile days the cervix opens slightly and is softer. In that case, you will not be able to feel it as clearly. You should only use the changes in your cervix in combination with the observation of the cervical mucus and the measurement of the core body temperature.

Your fertile days cannot be determined with certainty via LH tests.

Learn here why LH tests are not reliable for measuring your individual cycle fertility.

Accurately determine the fertile days

Record temperature rise

OvulaRing - fruchtbare Tage ermitteln - Temperatur aufzeichnen

Find out how the fertile days show up in your cycle. Measuring the temperature in the body’s core with OvulaRing allows you to understand your cycle in detail. The most important part of your cycle is the fertile days. To determine them accurately, you should record at the time of the typical rise in body temperature and a few days before and after. However, at the beginning of the cycle it is not at all clear when your fertile days actually start. For this reason, you should start measuring your core body temperature continuously right after your period.

Calculate day of ovulation

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Based on the many readings, OvulaRing can accurately determine the time of your ovulation. Unlike measuring basal body temperature, OvulaRing measures 288 times a day to track your individual cycle patterns. If you want to learn more about calculating ovulation based on body temperature, you can find more info here: How OvulaRing evaluates your cycle.

Determine your fertile days

OvulaRing - fruhtbare Tage bestimmen

Your fertile days are now aligned with ovulation. The first two days of your fertile phase initially have an average fertility. However, the two days directly before your ovulation have the highest probability of conception. The day of ovulation itself then again has a medium probability. And on the day after ovulation, it is still possible in principle to become pregnant, but the chances here are rather low. By clearly identifying your fertile days in the cycle, OvulaRing is able to show you the status of your fertility on a daily basis from the second cycle onwards. Even if your ovulation has not yet taken place.

Getting pregnant on the fertile days

Planned sexual intercourse

Fruchtbare Tage bestimmen - mit OvulaRing - fruchtbarer Sex

Once you have recorded a few cycles with OvulaRing, you will get a good insight into what is going on in your cycle. As a result, you get a feel for the rhythm of your fertility. It has never been so easy and safe to determine your fertile days. And this does not only apply to cycles that have already been completed.

In principle, the more regular the length of your first cycle phase until ovulation, the better you can plan ahead. Nevertheless, check your daily fertility in the OvulaRing app. The fertile days prediction is accurate enough to plan ahead. But no one can really look into the future. Maybe there are new influences in the current cycle that might change your cycle. In addition to knowing the perfect time in your cycle, you should also have regular sexual intercourse. Every 2 days during the fertile phase is considered ideal. But also keep in mind that you can’t plan everything. Spontaneity should always be just as possible.

Avoid too much stress

Of course, this is easier said than done. However in fact, too high of a stress level unfortunately has the power to significantly reduce your fertility. This is because your body saves the energy it needs to cope with stress wherever it can. Incidentally, this is also the reason why you feel less hungry in stressful situations, for example. The energy for digestion is saved without further ado. And this is exactly what would happen to your fertility in the case of permanent stress. Both the hormonal processes in the body and the temperature increase with ovulation cost the body a lot of energy. You can find out more about planning to have children without stress here.

Sensuality and closeness

Despite all the planning, experience in the field of fertility and medical results, you should not forget the ‘simple’ things. According to our experience, you don’t need any guidance from outside. What is important is that you take plenty of time for each other. It can also be helpful, for example, to arrange fixed dates. In this way, the demands of everyday life can be pushed aside. Even beyond the fertile days, it is important that you have sex regularly. This strengthens your relationship, brings you closer together and also takes away the pressure of possibly missing the fertile days. Togetherness, closeness, romance and intimacy need a lot of time. Therefore, try to be responsive to each other and enjoy the sensuality between you. Just have fun together! This is how you let nature take its course.

Order OvulaRing now

Take your fertility into your own hands now. Get to know your cycle better and determine your fertile days precisely. This will increase your chances of getting pregnant.

Start now with your OvulaRing application

from 44 € per month

7 important insights into the fertile days in the cycle

We at OvulaRing have already determined the fertile days for many cycles. And we are often told by the happy pregnant women that it has worked. In addition, our research in women’s health and our numerous experiences that we at OvulaRing have gathered together with our customers over the past years. We have summarized the 7 most interesting facts for you here:

Having your period does not automatically mean that you will have fertile days.
The clearer the pattern of your temperature at ovulation, the more fertile your cycle.
The longer your second cycle phase is after ovulation, the higher your fertility will be.
How fertile you are in general cannot be determined by a single cycle alone.
It is perfectly normal to have a cycle without fertile days.
The smaller the fluctuations in cycle length and ovulation day, the better the predictability of your next fertile days.
Often, a cycle with fertile days increases the likelihood of conception in the next cycle.
Still have questions about how to determine your fertile days?
Our customer service is here for you. You can reach us during our service hours on weekdays from 9 am – 4 pm. Write us a message or give us a call. You can find our contact details here:
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