4 reasons why cycle apps aren’t the best way to keep track of your cycle


ca. 3 Minuten


Many women use cycle apps to get an overview of their cycle. An article in the German medical journal Ärzteblatt examined the risks associated with cycle and fertility apps. We have taken up the arguments and compared them with OvulaRing.

1. Recording of the cycle

Cycle apps have little significance

The Ärzteblatt writes: “There are apps for recording the cycle… that help to record various objective and subjective cycle-relevant parameters. In the simplest case, the user enters data about her cycle. This is roughly equivalent to what a paper-based diary also does…” The cycle is rarely actually recorded or measured.

OvulaRing has a high informative value

OvulaRing seamlessly records the core body temperature for a comprehensive and individualized picture of the cycle and the fertility window. The whole thing is displayed in the form of a cyclofertilogram: How OvulaRing works.

2. Data protection

Cycle apps have unresolved data protection issues

The Ärzteblatt writes: “The data is often stored in the cloud, but often not clarified as to where this is located. This is unacceptable, especially against the backdrop of widely differing data protection regulations internationally.”

OvulaRing has high data protection requirements

OvulaRing is required by the German Federal Data Protection Act to ensure that there is no connection between the web-based readout and the personal data of its female customers. For this purpose, OvulaRing has an external data protection officer who ensures compliance with the regulations: Data protection and privacy.

3. Data accuracy

Cycle apps are inaccurate

Most apps refer to the standard cycle and do not measure. The Ärzteblatt writes: “…the mapping of biological/ physiological processes is very complex, but the models used are based on algorithms that are not always compatible with female physiology. For example, cycle length varies in many women, and the cycle may well shift by a few days.”

OvulaRing offers high accuracy, with no measurement errors

Gapless measurement of core body temperature allows mapping of each woman’s individual cycle patterns, regardless of cycle length or individuality: OvulaRing Cycle Types.

Recommended by doctors

Cycle apps are rarely medical devices

Very few apps are approved medical devices and carry the CE mark.

OvulaRing is a medical device

OvulaRing is a certified medical device and is used by gynecologists in practice for accurate cycle diagnostics. According to the Medical Devices Act, one is obliged to ensure the safety and health of the user, which is not automatically given by cycle apps. The high quality requirements of OvulaRing are regularly checked by external laboratories and in surveillance audits.

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